Saturday, November 28, 2009


To: Present Self
When: November 28th, 2009

Another year with good food and great family. I started to really look forward to it a few days before. I hadn't seen my dad or step-mom for about a month so it was good to see them.

It's tradition for my sisters and I to go to our dad's for Thanksgiving. It was nice to see Chez and Greg there and although Aly is still in England, we all got to talk to her on the phone. She'll be here for Christmas and her birthday in January though, so it will be nice to see her then.

It was a first for me to bring someone over for Thanksgiving but I wasn't worried about it. Paul has met my family already and I knew everyone would have a good time. We had the traditional food but the turkey was partly smoked with oak wood which gave it a nice flavor. I made the green bean casserole which is my favorite. We played Apples to Apples and had some good laughs. Dad's pumpkin pie was the best as always. We also got to talk to my Grandpa and Aunt from Washington and catch up with what their families have been up to.

Another pleasant Thanksgiving has come and gone. Here's hoping for another one next year.

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